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We have monetized our clients
idle assets,
it's your turn now!

We ensure best value for the idle assets being sold by our clients. We have a consultative approach towards the sale of assets. This is supported by our in depth knowledge of the market, expertise in understanding the assets and the ability to find right market for each asset. This approach helps in creating value for the Clients.

Why Are we experts?

  1. A decade old relationship with the steel re-rollers, asset buyers and end users of small machines.
  2. Special expertise in realizing the best value out of surplus & obsolete inventories, used machines and plants.
  3. A world class IT platform to conduct various types of online auctions and a team of experts to conduct private treaties.
  4. Sales team spread across 35 locations across India allow us to reach in to all nooks and corners of the Indian market.

Multi-Industry Expertise

Small Machines

  1. Relationship with 8000 + end users of such machines.
  2. Relationship with CHAs to facilitate deliveries.

Plants & Old Machines

  1. Expertise to understand these assets and capture areas of improvement.
  2. Relationship with dismantlers to facilitate timely dismantling.
  3. Relationship with 250 + specialized buyers of such assets.

Surplus & Obsolete Spares

  1. Expertise to understand these assets and sell them category wise to realize the best value.
  2. Ability to sell these assets in bulk for quick realization of the revenue.
  3. Regular relationship with 6000 + buyers of such assets .

Scrapped Assets

  1. Robust IT platform & IT tools to sell these scrapped assets in an efficient and transparent manner.
  2. Relationship with 10000 + buyers of scrap assets.

a few of our clients
