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Sale of scrap ACSR cables through transparent price discovery process


valuejunction was approached by Tata Chemicals Ltd, Babrala (UP) to assist them in getting the best value by selling 2 of their Titanium Stripper Vessels. These vessels were not getting the expected price through repeated attempts made by the client.

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Industry: Utility and Metals
Geography: Across India
Client: Different clients
Challenge: Sale of scrap ACSR cables through transparent price discovery process
Solution: valuejunction’s auction platform ensured price discovery with no buyer monopoly
Results: Over 600 MT of scrapped ACSR cables sold since inception for various clients

The Client:

Various clients across India since valujunction’s inception

The Business Challenge:

Clients wanted to dispose their scrap ACSR cables through a transparent price discovery process.The buyer was expected to lift the entire lot that was offered for sale.

The Solution & Strategy

  1. valuejunction given its expertise in auctioning of idle/stressed/scrap assets, took up the assignment and the end users for scrap ACSR cables were identified.
  2. Using valuejunction’s technology platform, auction for these scrapped ACSR cables was conducted.

Results & Achievements:

Since inception, valuejunction has auctioned over 600 MT of scrap ACSR cables for various clients.

  1. There was active participation from the bidders with no monopoly.
  2. The total value of scrap ACSR cables disposed till date through valuejunction’s auction platform for various clients were in excess of INR 50 Mn.