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Total Value realized of more than 8.80 Crfrom all 3 locations 93 New Buyers and 21 end-users introduced in the system

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Industry: Fertilizers
Geography: Odisha, Gujarat & Uttar Pradesh
Client: Birla Corporation Limited
Challenge:Credible buyers & right price for Machineries & Spent Catalyst. Price benchmarking & lottingof varied material categories.
Solution:Detailed inspection of high value machineries Innovative auction strategies for optimum price realization & adequate buyer participation
Results: Total Value realized of more than 8.80 Crfrom all 3 locations 93 New Buyers and 21 end-users introduced in the system

The Client:

IFFCO e-Bazaar

Business Requirement:

IFFCO wanted to auction a wide range of product categories in a short cycle time. They needed addition of new buyers and end users into the system at each location along with an efficient EMD management process & e-auction platform for best price realization for machineries and scraps.

The Business Challenge:

  1. Credible buyers for Machineries who would offer best prices higher than scrap rates along with disposal of Spent Catalyst to CPCB/SPCB approved MOEF buyers only, which is limited in the country
  2. Price benchmarking & lottingof varied material categories across widespread location.
  3. Addition of new buyers along with end-users in the system to augment price competition in the auction.

The Solution & Strategy Adopted

  1. In-depth inspection especially of Machineries with material photographs & specifications to understand the product and target the right industries for sale
  2. Innovative auction strategies for optimum price realization & lottingof varied categories.
  3. Thorough market analysis to prepare price reportsfor realistic price benchmarking and successful sale.

Result and Achievements

  1. Total Sale Value: 8.80 Cr
  2. Total no. of new buyers added : 93
  3. Total no. of end-users introduced: 21
  4. Success factor as on date: 83%