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Contact us

Registered offices

mjunction Services Limited TATA Centre, 43 Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata 700 071 India
  • +91 33 6613 3133
  • contactus@mjunction.in
  • CIN: U00000WB2001PLC115841

Corporate Head-Quarters

mjunction Services Limited Godrej Waterside, Tower-1 3rd & 9th floor, Plot No. 5, Block-DP Sector-V, Salt Lake City Kolkata - 700091, WB, India
  • +91 33 66011709 (Ext 711 / 712)
  • +91 33 6610 6187 / 6179
  • +91 33 6601 1719 / 1720
  • CIN: U00000WB2001PLC115841

For other queries related to:

For Project Manager

Mr. Jamsheed Daver

For SAIL Auctions

Mr. Suranjan Mullick

For Tata Steel/TRF/ISWP/HMC/Tata Bluescope/BCCL/ECL/SCCL


Scrap sale

Mr. Snehajit Das

agri commodities

Mr. Ritwik Poddar Mr. Bidyut Ghosh

For Sellers

Mr Mihir Gandhi

Asset Sale

Mr Gaurav Das Mr Abhi Banerjee Mr Rajdeep Datta